Unified Forecast System
Earth Prediction Innovation Center

UFS Webinar Series

UFS Webinar Series

The NWS Science and Technology Integration-Modeling Program Office is coordinating with partners to establish a UFS Webinar Series. The goal of these webinars is to share advancements in science and technology in all aspects of the UFS, in both research and operational settings. We welcome speakers from NOAA and other collaborating organizations. Speakers can be recommended using the Speaker Recommendation Form.

The webinars are tentatively held monthly at 3pm EST every second Thursday, and registration is required to participate. 
If you have any questions please reach out to us at ufs.modeling@noaa.gov

Subscribe below to receive the announcement emails that include your registration link

Recent Webinars

On Tropical Variability in NOAA’s Unified Forecast System

Presenter(s): Dr. Lisa Bengtsson and Dr. Maria Gehne, Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL)

Designing fully non-parametric state and parameter estimation methods for the UFS

Presenter(s):Jonathan Poterjoy, University of Maryland

Model infrastructure development in UFS weather model

Presenter(s): Jun Wang, NWS/NCEP/EMC

The history and development of the NOAA FENGSHA dust emission scheme

Presenter(s): Barry Baker, NOAA Air Resources Laboratory

A new operational hurricane prediction system for NOAA: UFS-based Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS)

Presenter(s): Dr. Zhan Zhang, Dr. Xuejin Zhang

The Warn-on-Forecast System: Probabilistic Prediction of Individual Thunderstorms

Presenter: Patrick C. Burke

Other Related Webinars

Weeks 3-4/S2S Webinar Series

The goal of this series is to establish a forum where development and research works can be shared across the community and to foster a relaxed, informal dialogue among forecasters, modelers and researchers. The one hour long webinar will host a few 15 or 25 minute talks. These talks might not be a summary of a complete project, but instead would focus on intermediate results that may benefit from and provide feedback with the community. Click on the link to go to the hosting site for more information about upcoming webinars and past webinars.

HFIP Seminar

The goal of this series is to establish a forum where development and research works can be shared across the community and to foster a relaxed, informal dialogue among forecasters, modelers and researchers. The one hour long webinar will host a few 15 or 25 minute talks. These talks might not be a summary of a complete project, but instead would focus on intermediate results that may benefit from and provide feedback with the community. Click on the link to go to the hosting site for more information about upcoming webinars and past webinars.